Versuri orgasmice
Poate ca nu ati obs...poate ca da.Dar ador melodiile cu versuri perverse pe care poti sa-ti lasi imaginatia sa...curga.Iar daca aveti si o persoana care sa va impartaseasca ideile,dorintele si imaginatia,lucrurile devin inzecit mai placute:)).Poate ca sunt stiu,incercearca-ma,crezi ca rezisti?
Toate ca toate...dar hai sa va arat versurile carora le datorez ult 3 saptamani din viata:
Oh yes I love her like...egyptian
Want a description?her body's sickenin
I can be her prescription, I can be her physician
Sexual healing, I can be her religion
And now shes kneeling, praying to the ceiling
I am her feathers, shes fly,
Flyer than you, flyer than me,
I love her, she loves me too
I love her three..times more than her mom
Oh yes I love her like I ought too
I see you at the alter mrs. carter
I see you with me daughter
Or son, more than one
Maybe five like the jacksons
Or john pacson
...daddy will be home later on
Smelling like the cologne
That I put on this morn
And I hope that you smell like woman soap
And shampoo and lotion
And perfume and candles
And ima run thru that pussy like a vandal
si cele mai....uuuh :
The only aphrodisiac I need is your voice
Hearing you speak my name
Beckoning me to answer
Telling me you want me
So I tell you that you're the answer to every question I've ever had about love
Without words I use my tongue to tell the tale of us
Tracing your shadowscape
Kneeling before you my eyes feast upon your masculinity and
All its divinity and I praise you
Because all of that is for me
Your taste is something Godiva couldn't re-create
Needing every atom of your anatomy
Necessity is placed upon me knowing you are the source of my serendipity
Dipping in and out of me stroking more than my consciesness
Seeing that face you make when you're making me cum
And it makes me want you right there and then
Thinking of you in inappropriate places I get
Tingling sensations in private locations where I wish to be caught between a rock and your hard place
And touch me and send me into ecstacy
You've conquered this once orgasmicless world and multiplied it
Again and
Ce pot spune...cred ca stiti melodiile.Nu sunt toate versurile,sunt doar cele kre au legatura cu oarecare masura:)